Sunday 24 June 2012

So time for our second post! There sure is a lot to get done planning for a wedding that is only a couple of months away. This week though we did some pretty fun stuff. Friday night was engagement photos (no, we don't have them yet, and yes, we are planning on posting a couple here when we get them). Who knew that photos could be so exhausting! After two hours of smiling I was pretty much burnt out. I felt a little bad for Sharon (our photographer). Here was JB trying to keep a smile going for the two seconds she needed for each picture, but I was lucky to get even that. I think I need to start doing cheek exercises.

And there were a lot of bugs!! I got 15 mosquito bites between my ankles. Not fun. But it was really fun. We got a lot of fun pictures.

(I know we're all surprised that Aimee would get fun pictures.)

We got foot-poppin' kiss pictures, we ran through dandelion fluffs, we sat on cool fences and stood by cool bridges. I love having a Great Aunt and Uncle who live on an acreage that's 5 minutes out of town.

It really is a beautiful place, but then again you will all get to see when we get them up. Then yesterday we went shopping.

Girl topic, girl gets to tell about it! So we went tie shopping. We got ties for JB, his groomsmen, and my Dad. They are awesome!

Here, take a look:
The three groomsmen are first (we have our ideas about who will get which, but Ryan, Derek and David can feel free to fight about them until they find out), then mine and then Bro. Orr's.

The me and my Mom had a brilliant idea for my bouquet. Why worry about live flowers that need to be watered and babied, just use fake flowers. So we did! It's awesome, and it looks better than any real flowers. Plus it won't wilt. One more thing off the list.
It's got salmon gerberas, yellow something else, string fun things and jewels in it. Its awesome and i love it. JB likes it too, which is good.

Yep I do! Though I am very glad that I didn't have to try to help put it together. I figured out (again) this weekend how bad I am with this sort of color-coded decorating. Just isn't one of those things that comes to me.

Well its a good thing i am blessed with such gifts. OH, fabric was bought for bridesmaids dresses. I am so excited. They are sunshine yellow and the pattern is a ruffly sun dress. its so cool! And wedding dress shopping is this next weekend so stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. So it looks like I am your main blog commentater. But I always like a comment on my blog, plus I so wish I could be there for your big day and since I can't I will soak in as much of it as possible. But I LOVE the flowers! I did fake flowers as well and it's totally the way to go! And I can not wait to see those engagement pictures, and everything else you are going to share on this wicked blog. You are going to have such a fun wedding, just for the lone fact that you are the bride!
